Sharp driver mx-c312
Sharp driver mx-c312

sharp driver mx-c312 sharp driver mx-c312

As a testament to our commitment to the The Sharp MX-C312 is designed to.USer-frIeNDlY, eCo-frIeNDlY oPerATIoN To HelP SPeeD worK, ProloNG lIfe AND reDuCe CoST Powerful 800 MHz controller for true multi-tasking.destinations, including USB devices, network superior color quality and a compact folders, e-mail, fax machines and desktop PCs, Sharp’s powerful ImageSeND™ technology be quickly and accurately produced at speeds up to securely scans documents to up to seven 31 pages per minute.Vivid color and crisp black-and-white documents can.ProDuCTIVITY IN ACTIoN To SPeeD ouTPuT AND STreAMlINe DoCuMeNT worKflow The Sharp MX-C312 brings fast output, The 7" (diagonal) HIGH reSoluTIoN Color TouCH-SCreeN simplifies operation by providing The MX-C312 is ® an exciting example of the SHArP froNTIer SerIeS, bringing brilliant color output closer to your workgroup with a HYBrID DeSIGN that has a small footprint to fit into environments others won’t. Powerful PerforMANCe IN A CoMPACT HYBrID DeSIGN Sharp combines the SIMPlICITY AND CoNVeNIeNCe of network printers with the MulTI- TASKING ProDuCTIVITY of color MfPs to achieve the best of both worlds.

Sharp driver mx-c312